
Scanning and inspection of LEGO tool

3D scanning of LEGO Bionicle tool form the basis of structured analysis of Computer Aided Manufacturing.

LEGO System A/S develops and produces thousands of different components for their popular toys, and thus constantly has a number of molds and tools under development and construction.

LEGO wanted to get more knowledge of machine tooling to be able to enhance their CAM stragegy, tool-life politics, and to optimize the choice of cutting tool.

Zebicon has 3D scanned a tool part for LEGO Bionicle and compared the scanning to the CAD part. In this way, the deviations between designed and manufactured part were visible, and a thorough analysis could be initiated to enhance the CAM process.

The color plot, which is the result of comparing 3D scan and CAD data, revealed increasing wear on the cutting tool during the machining process. Furthermore, the analysis showed a bending of the cutting tool as a result of too much pressure during the machining process.

The inappropriate machining would have caused incorrect part geometry and tool closing problems, had it not been corrected.

3D scanning

3D scanning is a technology, which can create a digital 3D model of a physical part. The technology is primarily used for reverse engineering or quality control and part measurement.