Measurement of tower section at a height of 25 meters

Vestas Towers A/S is a production unit under Vestas Wind Systems, which delivers tower sections for wind turbine installations all over the world.

The purpose of the measurement was to collect new knowledge about the impact on the flanges of a 21 meter tower section. The results were to clarify possible effects during mounting and assembly of several tower sections.

Zebicon used the mobile coordinate measurement system TRITOP CMM for this task. The flanges was first measured with the tower placed horizontically. Afterwards the tower was raised in vertical position by using cranes, and the flanges was measured again in the new position.

Two technicians from Zebicon used four hours in completing the measurement for Vestas Towers, which included measurements by the wharf and at 25 meters height.

The 3D measurement on the wharf resulted in an analysis of flatness, ovality, and displacement of the measured coordinates.

Photogrammetry is optical 3D coordinate measurement. The technology is used for quality control of large parts, verification of fixtures and hand held tools as well as static deformation analysis.