What is happening at Zebicon
Stay updated on what is happening at Zebicon. Here you will find news about, measurement services we have done, projects we are a part of and information about closing days in connection with vacations.
You will also find news about where you can meet us, which trade shows we participate in and which events we host.
Online brugermøde skabte rekorddeltagelse
Den 6. maj 2021 afholdt Zebicon det årlige GOM brugergruppemøde, som for første gang blev gennemført online med live-streaming via Microsoft Teams.Read more
Join seminars online or at Zebicon in Billund
Now it is possible to participate in introduction seminars about the use of the 3D software GOM Inspect Suite.Read more
Easy entry into automated 3D scanning
For the first time, GOM present a mobile measuring station with a collaborative robot.Read more
Experience the new ATOS Q at Automatik 2020
GOM has developed a new compact 3D scanner, which you can experience on Zebicon's stand at the Automatik trade show this year.Read more
GOM user meeting gathered 40 metrologists
On November 27-28, Zebicon was hosting GOM user meeting for the third time, where metrologists and quality responsible were gathered for two days of workshops, user presentations and networking.Read more